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Zen Garden

Zen Garden Jardins de Gally

Jardins de Gally
Ferme de Vauluceau
Bailly Yvelines 78870

Zen Garden / Jardin Zen
Date of completion: july 2015
Role of company:

  • Design/concept
  • Execution/construction
  • Maintenance

The « Le Montaigne » building welcomes prestigious companies such as the Banque de France, HSBC and Nintendo France.

In regards to the origins of the main tenant Nintendo France, we have imagined a Japanese Zen garden in which three elements intertwine with great simplicity: plants, minerals and water. All to create an atmosphere rich of natural light that stimulates sentiments of calm and serenity.

The gigantic Ficus microcarpa (4m high and 30 years old for the tallest one) are the masterpieces of this décor. Positioned in the center of the garden, they strongly mark the imprint of the patio and suggest its story. In the background, to fulfill the Zen spirit, we have a little Rhapis forest with sprinkles, here and there, of Sansevieria. To finish, the Helxine or Soleirole of Soleir, also called “angel tears”, covers the largest part of the garden and gives the appearance of a soft green rug.

The mineral is made up with a fine cast of white pebbles near the Ficus feet and before the Rhapis. Slabs of slate draw a pathway through this haven of peace that enables close contact with nature.

Last but not least, the three autonomous fountains of a soft and pure design definitely label the Zen effect of the garden. The relaxing clatter of water, slowly flowing through it, is almost a natural invitation for whispering conversations.

Henceforth, our garden is a genuine and ideal spot for companies to meet.

Jardin Zen

L’immeuble «Le Montaigne» accueille des entreprises prestigieuses telles que La Banque de France, HSBC, Nintendo France.

En clin d’œil aux origines du locataire principal Nintendo France, nous avons imaginé un jardin zen, japonisant, où les trois éléments se côtoient en toute simplicité : le végétal, le minéral et l’eau. Dans une ambiance baignée de lumière naturelle, notre jardin zen amène calme et sérénité.

Les gigantesques Ficus microcarpa hauts de 4m et vieux de 30 ans pour le plus grand, sont les pièces maîtresses de ce décor. Positionnés au centre du jardin, ils marquent définitivement l’empreinte du patio et racontent à eux seuls son histoire. En arrière plan et dans la continuité de l’esprit zen, nous retrouvons une petite forêt de Rhapis et quelques touffes par ci, par là, de Sansevieria. Pour finir, l’Helxine ou Soleirole de Soleir, surnommée larmes d’anges recouvre la plus grande partie du jardin et donne l’aspect d’un tapis vert et moelleux.

Le minéral est marqué par une belle empreinte de galets blancs aux pieds des Ficus et avant les Rhapis. Des dalles d’ardoise dessinent un chemin au travers de ce lieu de paix permettant de côtoyer au plus près la végétation.

Enfin dernier élément indispensable, les trois fontaines autonomes au design pur et doux marquent d’avantage l’effet zen. Le cliquetis apaisant de l’eau qui y coule doucement, invitent presque les gens à chuchoter naturellement.

Désormais, notre jardin est un véritable point rassembleur des entreprises qui se côtoient.


Zen Garden Jardins de Gally photo 2
Zen Garden Jardins de Gally photo 4
Zen Garden Jardins de Gally photo 3

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Futura Atrium

Futura Atrium, Donkergroen, photo 1

De Riemsdijk 8
Tiel, Gelderland 4004LC

Futura Atrium
Date of completion: May 2015
Role of company:

  • Design/concept
  • Execution/construction
  • Maintenance

The new residential complex Futura ASR property is the most sustainable living experience in the Netherlands. Natural sources: light, air and water play a leading role in the building. The atrium begins to warm up in the summer and this heat is used in the winter to partially heat up the building. The heating and ventilation works based on heat recovery. Due to its excellent insulation there is an efficient energy use with low energy costs.

Sustainability Performance BREEAM (very) good

Futura is the first project in the Netherlands with a BREEAM certificate for new design which has been classified as (very) good. BREEAM stands for Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment. Even rainwater is not discharged into the sewer, but collected in a neighboring pond.

Role of Donkergroen

Donkergroen was involved in draft phase and designed Atrium plus the outside area. Based on Design & Construct was this created within the given budget. The green design has made a very positive contribution to the graduating certificate.

Benefits BREEAM-NL

Green Financing (MIA VAMIL), reduce operational costs and measures sustainability and health of users.

High quality thanks to chain cooperation

Futura is the evidence that through cooperation between various chain partners can be achieved a high level of quality and sustainability.


Het nieuwe wooncomplex Futura van ASR Vastgoed is de meest duurzame woonervaring van Nederland. Natuurlijke energiebronnen: licht, lucht en water vervullen een hoofdrol in het gebouw. Het atrium vangt in de zomer warmte op waarmee Futura in de winter deels verwarmt wordt. Ook de vloerverwarming en de ventilatie werken op basis van warmterecycling. Door de zeer goede isolatie is er een efficiënt energie gebruik en zijn er lage energiekosten.

Duurzaamheidsprestatie BREEAM-NL (very) good

Futura heeft als eerste project in Nederland een BREEAM-NL certificaat nieuwbouw ontwerpfase kwalificatie (very) good gekregen. BREEAM staat voor: Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment. Ook wordt hemelwater niet op het riool geloosd, maar in een naastgelegen vijver geborgen.

Rol Donkergroen

Al in de ontwerpfase is Donkergroen betrokken geweest bij de groene inrichting van het Atrium en het buitenterrein. Op basis van Design & Construct is de opdracht binnen taakstellend budget uitgevoerd. De groene inrichting heeft een zeer positieve bijdrage geleverd aan het behalend van het certificaat.

Voordelen BREEAM-NL

Groenfinanciering (MIA VAMIL), operationele kosten reduceren en meetbaar maken duurzaamheid en gezondheid gebruikers.

Hoge kwaliteit mede dankzij ketensamenwerking

Futura is het bewijs dat door samenwerking tussen verschillende keten partners een hoog duurzaamheid en kwaliteitsniveau bereikt kan worden.

Futura Atrium, Donkergroen photo 2
Futura Atrium, Donkergroen photo 3
Futura Atrium, Donkergroen photo 4

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Interior Landscaping Liberty Global

Liberty Global, Copijn photo 1

P.O. Box 9177
350 GD Utrecht

Interior Landscaping Liberty Global
Date of completion: December 2014
Role of company:

  • Design/concept
  • Execution/construction
  • Maintenance

Liberty Global has asked Copijn Groenaanleg en beheer to participate in the restructuring of its office complex on Schiphol-Rijk. Liberty Global had the choice to either build a new head office, which also meant relocating, or to completely renovate the four existing buildings from the inside. The choice was made to renovate the buildings.

It is important to Liberty Global that the staff’s work surroundings are pleasant and attractive. It must be an agreeable place to work. Despite the location remaining in Schiphol-Rijk, everyone should like going to work. Liberty Global also wanted to create homely and inspiring spaces. This is important because a number of people work in the evenings. The renovation of the different buildings was executed in phases, over the period of two years. This resulted in many divided tasks and made-to-measure jobs at the locations.

Copijn has a combined task for advice & design, supply and maintenance. Copijn has made an important contribution to the new entrance, the atrium, the restaurant, the greenhouse and the various work spaces. This varies from a small flower box to a 65 m2 Copijn Wonderwall® in the restaurant. Finally, a new greenhouse of 150 m2 was built on the parking deck. Here, people can have an informal lunch or meeting under the green canopy of climbing plants. Copijn has also supplied the indoor plants for several of the four buildings’ floors. The project was supported by consultancy firm Ynno in Utrecht, and a number of interior decorators.


Binnenbeplanting Liberty Global

Liberty Global heeft Copijn Groenaanleg en beheer gevraagd mee te werken aan de herinrichting van het kantorencomplex op Schiphol-Rijk. Liberty Global stond voor de keuze om een nieuw hoofdkantoor te bouwen en dus te verhuizen of de vier bestaande panden geheel van binnen te renoveren. De keuze werd gemaakt om de panden te renoveren.

Liberty Global vindt het belangrijk dat de werkomgeving voor het personeel aangenaam en sfeervol is. Het moet prettig zijn om hier te werken. Ondanks dat de locatie op Schiphol-Rijk bleef, is het belangrijk dat iedereen met plezier naar zijn werk gaat. Liberty Global wilde ook huiselijke en inspirerende ruimtes creëren. Deze invulling is belangrijk omdat de werktijden ook in de avonden plaatsvinden. De renovatie van de verschillende panden is fasegewijs uitgevoerd, in een tijdsbestek van twee jaar. Dat resulteerde in veel deelopdrachten en maatwerk op de locaties.

Copijn heeft een gecombineerde opdracht voor advies & ontwerp, levering en onderhoud. Copijn heeft een belangrijke bijdrage geleverd aan de nieuwe entree, het atrium, het restaurant, de kas en de verschillende werkruimtes. Dat varieert van een kleine plantenbak tot een 65 m2 Copijn Wonderwall® in het restaurant. Tenslotte is er op het parkeerdek een nieuwe kas gebouwd van 150 m2. Hier kan men op een informele manier lunchen of overleggen onder het groene bladerdak van de klimplanten. Copijn heeft ook de binnenbeplanting verzorgd voor meerdere etages binnen de vier gebouwen. De projectbegeleiding werd gedaan door het adviesbedrijf Ynno uit Utrecht, ook werden interieurarchitecten betrokken bij het project.

Liberty Global, Copijn, photo 2
Liberty Global, Copijn, photo 3
Liberty Global, Copijn, photo 4

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House of Inspiration / Weimar

Hoiuse of Inspiration-Weimar, Naumann, photo 1

Gärtnerei Naumann
Engelsdorfer Straße 156
Leipzig, Sachsen 04316

House of Inspiration / Weimar
Date of completion: June 2015
Role of company:

  • Design/concept
  • Execution/construction
  • Maintenance

English summary follows soon

House of Inspiration / Weimar

Der Auftraggeber ist ein international agierender Projektentwickler mit Sitz in Weimar/Thüringen, der gewerbliche Immobilien plant, errichtet, vermietet und pflegt. Das starke Wachstum des Unternehmens machte einen modernen Verwaltungsneubau erforderlich. Dieser fungiert in zweiter Funktion als HOUSE OF INSPIRATION für die Kunden des Unternehmens. Das lichtdurchflutete Gebäude bietet eine enorm vielseitige Innenarchitektur. Neben der Vielgestaltigkeit der Boden- und Wandmaterialien wurde mit Schriften, Bildern, der Lichtführung und individuellen Raumkonzepten gearbeitet. Viele der Räume sind thematisch bis ins kleinste Detail ausgearbeitet (z.B. Schweizer Almhütte, Pop Art, orientalisches Bad). Weitere wichtige Gestaltungselemente sind das Thema Wasser (Wasserspiel, Riesenaquarium, Wasserwand) und eine großzügige Innenraumbegrünung.

Unsere Arbeit im HOUSE OF INSPIRATION begann mit der Planung und Beratung im Januar 2015 noch in der Rohbauphase. Die Innenraumbegrünung beinhaltet 2 grüne Wände und 4 lange, durch verschiedene Elemente unterbrochene Pflanzachsen, die das gesamte Gebäude durchziehen.
Begonnen wurde mit dem Einbau der Grundkonstruktion der grünen Wände Ende April. Im Mai und Juni fanden die Bepflanzungen der grünen Wände und der Achsen statt. Es wurden 35 m³ Substrat durch seitliche schmale Bürofenster ins Gebäude transportiert. Auch die bis zu 7 m hohen Solitärpflanzen wurden auf diesem Weg ins Objekt gebracht. Dies brauchte eine sehr gute Koordination, zumal in der Fertigstellungsphase viele andere Gewerke vor Ort waren. Bei der Pflanzenauswahl sticht ein 4,50 m hoher Indianerkamm-Kaktus (Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum) sprichwörtlich heraus.
Die grünen Wände laufen mit vollautomatischer Bewässerung (Wasserkreislauf; Steuerung, Pumpe). Auch die 4 Pflanzachsen werden mit einem jeweils eigenen System automatisch bewässert. Insgesamt waren wir 10 Tage mit jeweils 5 Mitarbeitern vor Ort.

House of Inspiration, Naumann, photo 2
Zen Garden Jardins de Gally photo 4
Zen Garden Jardins de Gally photo 3

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Nature and Architecture

Nature and Architecture, Hydroplant, photo 1

Neunbrunnenstrasse 50
Zurich, Zurich 8050

Nature and Architecture
Date of completion: September 2014
Role of company:

  • Design/concept
  • Execution/construction
  • Maintenance

The Indian architect Prof. Rahul Mehrotra, RMA Architects Mumbai and Boston designed the new “Virchow 16” laboratory building on the Novartis campus in Basel, with a green facade and a planted atrium. He thus interwove the architectural and plant worlds closely together.

Laced with paths and places to pause and informally gather, an interior courtyard stretches from the fourth level to the roof. Similar to an atrium, but more expansive in its impact and complex in its spatial character, this concentration of verdant tropical growth – an interior, hanging garden – connects diverse parts oft the building and provides not only the office floors, but also the fully enclosed lab environments with fragments of a surprising simulation of nature.
The topographical landscape passes over three pools at various heights in a two-layer system. The entire indoor plant system is built so that the planting areas are connected to one another via a pipe and excess water can thus be discharged. The fully automated watering of the individual plants is done using an irrigation system and drop hoses which supply the plants evenly with water.

Climbing plants such as Semele androgyna, Philodendron scandens and Tetrastigma voinierianum growing up trellises form the evergreen layers of the rainforest. Solitary plants including Anthurium jungle King, Strelizia nicolai and Elettaria cardamomum, among others, as well as ground cover plants such as Ophiopogon japonica, Aspidistra elatior, Aglaonema maria and many more ensure the dense green of the ground vegetation.

Natur und Architektur

Der indische Architekt Prof. Rahul Mehrotra, RMA Architects Mumbai und Boston entwarf auf dem Novartis Campus in Basel das neue Laborgebäude «Virchow 16», mit einer Grünfassade und einem bepflanzten Atrium. Er verwebt damit Architektur und Pflanzenwelt intensiv miteinander.

Vom vierten Geschoss bis zum Dach erstreckt sich ein Innenhof, der durchsetzt ist mit Wegen und kleinen Plätzen zum Verweilen und Plaudern. Eine Ballung tropischer Grünpflanzen – ein hängender Garten im Innern – verbindet, ähnlich wie ein Atrium, aber mit weiterreichender Wirkung und komplexerem Raumcharakter, verschiedene Gebäudeteile und verschafft nicht nur den Büroetagen, sondern auch den abgeschirmten Laborbereichen Fragmente einer erstaunlichen Nachahmung von Natur.

Die topografische Landschaft verläuft über drei Becken in verschiedenen Höhen im Zweischichtsystem. Das ganze System der lnnenbegrünung ist so aufgebaut, dass die Pflanzflächen durch ein Rohr miteinander verbunden sind und so überschüssiges Wasser abgeführt werden kann. Die vollautomatische Bewässerung der einzelnen Pflanzflächen erfolgt über Anstaubewässerung und Tropfschläuche, die den Pflanzen gleichmässig Wasser zuführen.

Schlingpflanzen wie Semele androgyna, Philodendron scandens, Tetrastigma voinierianum bilden an Pflanzenleitern nach oben wachsend die immergrünen Schichten des Regenwaldes. Für das dichte Grün der Bodenbepflanzung sorgen als Solitär-Pflanzen u.a. Anthurium jungle King, Strelizia nicolai, Elettaria cardamomum sowie Bodendecker wie Ophiopogon japonica, Aspidistra elatior, Aglaonema maria u.v.m.

Nature and Architecture, Hydroplant, photo 2
Nature and Architecture, Hydroplant, photo 3
Nature and Architecture, Hydroplant, photo 4

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Reduced to Nature

Reduced to Nature, Creaplant, photo 1

Creaplant AG
Bolacker 5
Gerlafingen, Solothurn 4563

Reduced to Nature
Date of completion: August 2015
Role of company:

  • Design/concept
  • Execution/construction
  • Maintenance

Starting position

The 5-storey new office building is situated on a campus surrounded by a dense tree park. The interior of the building is marked by six internal courtyards with a total surface area of 300m2, for which indoor planting was required. Exposed concrete walls and flooring in a variety of shades of grey pared back the internal architecture to basics. In these circumstances, plants with a natural but unobtrusive accent were to be used.

Design and implementation

The draft idea gave rise to minimalist landscapes with dominant solitary trees, playful islands of ferns and natural stone sculptures. In each of the six individually-designed atriums, the tops of tree ferns (Dicksonia squarrosa) up to four metres in height extend into the air. At shrub level, branched Philodendron ‘Xanadu’ flourish, while the lower planting consists of organically arranged groups of plants. The fern types alternate between Ophiopogon japonica and Chamaedorea metallica. The surfaces of the system, created with a mineral substrate, were modelled into hilly landscapes. But it is the hand-picked, carefully-positioned boulders that turn this indoor planting into an archaic-looking work. This impression is further strengthened by the knowledge that tree ferns are among the oldest plants on the planet.


A particular challenge was posed by the special building regulations relating to energy in the Minergie-P-ECO certified building. Illumination of the whole surface of the plant beds with metal halogen spotlights was out of the question. Instead, individual plant groups were illuminated with LED floor lamps specially developed for this project. This unconventional solution reduced energy consumption by more than 2/3rds compared to traditional plant lighting. The accented illumination produces an enigmatic scene in each of the six internal courtyards. In addition, a sensor-controlled watering system waters the different types of plants efficiently and in accordance with their needs.

Reduced to Nature

Der 5-geschossige Büroneubau liegt in einem Campus der durch einen dichten Baumpark umrandet wird. Das Innere des Gebäudes wird geprägt von sechs Innenhöfen mit einer insgesamt 300 m2 umfassenden Grundfläche, für die eine Innenbegrünung vorgesehen war. Wände aus Sichtbeton und der Bodenbelag in verschiedenen Grautönen reduzieren die Innenarchitektur auf das Wesentliche. Unter diesen Voraussetzungen sollte mit Pflanzen ein natürlicher aber unaufdringlicher Akzent gesetzt werden.

Gestaltung und Umsetzung
Aus der Entwurfsidee entstanden minimalistische Landschaften mit dominanten Solitärbäumen, verspielten Farninseln und Natursteinskulpturen. In jedem der sechs individuell gestalteten Atrien ragen die Kronen von bis zu vier Meter hohen Baumfarnen (Dicksonia squarrosa) in den Luftraum. Auf der Strauchebene gedeihen verzweigte Philodendron ‚Xanadu’, während die Unterbepflanzung aus organisch angeordneten Pflanzengruppen besteht. Darin wechseln sich diverse Farnarten ab mit Ophiopogon japonica und Chamaedorea metallica. Die Oberflächen der mit Mineralsubstrat erstellten Anlage wurden zu hügeligen Landschaften modelliert. Aber erst die handverlesenen, sorgfältig positionierten Findlinge lassen aus dieser Innenbegrünung ein archaisch anmutendes Gesamtwerk entstehen. Dieser Eindruck wird verstärkt mit dem Wissen, dass Baumfarne zu den ältesten Pflanzen überhaupt auf unserem Planeten zählen.

Eine besondere Herausforderung waren die energetischen Sonderbauvorschriften des in Minergie-P-ECO zertifizierten Gebäudes. Die ganzflächige Ausleuchtung der Pflanzbeete mit Metallhalogen Strahlern kam nicht in Frage. Stattdessen wird jede einzelne Pflanzengruppe gezielt mit speziell für dieses Projekt entwickelten LED-Stehleuchten belichtet. Durch diese unkonventionelle Lösung konnte der Stromverbrauch um mehr als 2/3 reduziert werden im Vergleich zu einer herkömmlichen Pflanzenbeleuchtung. Die akzentuierte Ausleuchtung erzeugt in jedem der sechs Innenhöfe eine geheimnisvoll anmutende Szenerie. 

Reduced to Nature, Creaplant, photo 2
Reduced to Nature, Creaplant, photo 3
Reduced to Nature, Creaplant, photo 3

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Pendularis, Creaplant, photo 1

Creaplant AG
Bolacker 5
Gerlafingen, Solothurn 4563

Date of completion: August 2015
Role of company:

  • Execution/construction

For the reception area in an administrative building, the developer was looking for an innovative indoor planting scheme that would promote its identity. A solution was found with the new Pendularis® greening system, which both celebrates the architecture – thanks to its modular construction – and also adds liveliness to the modern office building.

The 3-row plant installation functions as a playful room separator between the elongated entrance and the reception area. The sophisticated design of the tubular aluminium plant holder and the subtle overhead suspension system makes the plants appear to float in the room.

The upper row (9m) is filled with a mixture of hanging, succulent air plants, which form a fine, green curtain. The two lower rows (5m) contain a broad mix of leafy plants and a uniform row of ferns, providing a lush green contrast. The entire system is watered automatically and is therefore very low-maintenance.


Für den Empfangsbereich in einem Verwaltungsgebäude suchte der Bauherr nach einer identitätsstiftenden und innovativen Innenbegrünung. Mit dem neuen Begrünungssystem Pendularis® wurde eine Lösung gefunden, welche einerseits – durch die modulartige Bauweise – die Architektur zelebriert und andrerseits Lebendigkeit in die moderne Einrichtung hineinträgt.

Die 3-reihige Pflanzen-Installation funktioniert auf spielerische Art als Raumtrenner zwischen dem langgezogenen Eingang und dem Empfangsbereich. Durch das edle Design der rohrförmigen Pflanzenträger aus Aluminium und der dezenten Aufhängvorrichtung scheinen die Pflanzen im Raum zu schweben.
Die obere Reihe (9 m) ist mit einer Mischung aus hängenden, sukkulenten Aufsitzerpflanzen bestückt, welche einen feinen grünen Vorhang bilden. Die beiden unteren Reihen (5 m) enthalten verschiedene aufrechtwachsende Farnarten, die einen sattgrünen Gegenpol bilden. Die ganze Anlage wird automatisch bewässert und ist dadurch sehr pflegeleicht.

Pendularis, Creaplant, photo 2
Pendularis, Creaplant, photo 3

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Jardins de Gally
Ferme de Vauluceau
Bailly Yvelines 78870

Date of completion: Octobre 2015
Role of company:

  • Design/concept
  • Execution/construction
  • Maintenance

What is a garden? A space of life and well-being, a peaceful communion with nature that calls for recharge …

On a drawing of Gally® Studies Office, here is the new living space of the Fountain of Atlantis.

A primary ring is the key feature of the garden – the clearing – place green carpet, oversized white pebbles and grass ‘vol-au-vent’ form the Circle of Life

On his way, the visitor discovers a green Boiling foam ripples ground cover, emerging plant petals, echoing the fountain, led him to the aquatic excitement, an arrival at the source of well-being.

A second encyclie – a new round in water: Tall trees pruned by the gardener, underline the strong character of the whole, and give up

The masses, textures and contrasting colors of plants, underline the contemporary look of the garden.

After a selection of Podocarpus in the largest nurseries in Europe and the size of the largest about six months before the installation is nearly 150 hours of design work and 500 hours of construction performed by gardeners Gardens Gally

Hélixine, Carex, Chlorophytum, Sanseveria form the base layer and ground cover

Source Wellness, Harmony sets, quiet and relaxing time, you are the heart of the new living space of Atlantis: A Garden between Heaven and Water.


Qu’est-ce qu’un Jardin ? Un espace de vie et de bien-être, de communion avec une nature paisible qui appelle à se ressourcer…

Sur un dessin du Bureau d’Études de Gally®, voici le nouvel espace de vie de la Fontaine d’Atlantis.

Un anneau primaire constitue l’élément fort du jardin – la clairière – tapis vert déroulé, galets blancs surdimensionnés et herbes ‘vol-au-vent’ forment ce Cercle de Vie

Sur son chemin, le visiteur découvre une ébullition verte : des ondulations de mousse couvre-sol, surgissant de corolles végétales, écho à la fontaine, le conduisent vers l’effervescence aquatique, une arrivée à la source du bien-être.

Une deuxième encyclie – un nouveau rond dans l’eau : De grands arbres taillés par le jardinier, soulignent le fort caractère de l’ensemble, et donnent de la hauteur

Les masses, les textures et les couleurs contrastées des végétaux, soulignent l’aspect contemporain du jardin.

Après une sélection des Podocarpus dans la plus grande pépinière d’Europe, puis la taille du plus gros sujet 6 mois avant l’installation, c’est près de 150 heures de travail de conception et 500 heures de chantier réalisé par les jardiniers des Jardins de Gally

Hélixine, Carex, Chlorophytum, Sanseveria forment la couche basse et couvre-sol

Source de Bien-être, Harmonie des ensembles, Temps calme et apaisant, vous êtes bien au cœur du nouvel espace de vie d’Atlantis : Un Jardin entre Ciel et Eau.

Atlantis, Jardin de Gally, photo 1
Atlantis, Jardins de Gally, photo 2
Atlantis, Jardins de Gally, photo 3

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Benoit Pelleriaux new EILO chairman


benoit pellarieuxThe EILO board has appointed Benoit Pelleriaux as new chairman. He will succeed Robert van Aerts who chaired EILO over the last three years.

Pelleriaux wants to proceed with the chosen strategy to further build EILO as a strong organization attracting new members from different European countries. By organizing conferences such as in Zürich and Lyon where knowledge can be shared, EILO can inspire as well as connect interior landscape designers. Which is also important with a view to a strong lobby in Brussels. Furthermore, over the coming years Pelleriaux would like EILO to actively propagate the added value and unique selling points of the interior landscaping profession towards potential new customers such as architects and interior designers.

As owner and director of company Any Green in Belgium Pelleriaux has over 20 years of experience in the profession of interior landscaping, as well as being fluent in German, English, French and Dutch.

At the EILO conference Pelleriaux paid tribute to his predecessor van Aarts, who has been very active in widely promoting EILO within Europe.


Successful third EILO conference in Lyon


Copijn winner EILO Award 2015

We can look back to a very successful 3rd international EILO conference. We had some interesting speakers, we visited inspiring interior landscaping projects and we could present the winner of both the EILO Award and the Public Award.

Four great speakers

One of the highlights of the conference was Patrick Blanc presenting many of his impressive projects. His expertise in choosing the right plant combinations for his designs really stood out. Blanc is very conscientious in choosing a wide assortment of suitable plants, originating from the region where his green walls are to be placed.


Dr. Annette Bucher of Hochschule Weihenstephan (Germany) talked about improving the humidity in offices, where many employees suffer from the effects of poor air quality. The results were impressive: green walls are able to improve the humidity in the air up to 20%.

In office environments fast developing IT technologies can have major impacts on people’s wellbeing. Denis Stolze of the Fraunhofer instituut (Germany) specializes in the psychology of the workplace. He pointed out that plants as well as daylight are crucial factors. Employees in daylit offices with lots of plants experience a 15% increase in feelings of positivity, 6% increase in productivity and 15% increase in creativity.

Dennis Hauer, architect with Urban Climate Architects (the Netherlands) addressed the question why it is that greenery is ofted envisaged in the design of large buildings, but disappears within the process of building them. It turns out that their is a perception of green elements as relatively expensive, high in maintenance, perishable and unhygienic. Hauer stated that when we ‘advertize’ green as highly functional, some exiting results can be achieved, as shown in a number of beautiful interior landscaping projects.

Copijn winner of the EILO Award 2015

During the conference both the EILO Award and the Public Award were presented.

Dutch company Copijn Groenaanleg en beheer received the EILO Award 2015 for their project Liberty Global. The jury thought this to be a prime example of connecting people in the workspace to nature. Liberty Global at Schiphol-Rijk faced the dilemma of building a new head quarters and move the company all together, or revitalizing their four existing buildings. They chose the latter. Copijn was asked to do the interior landscaping of the renovated building.

Hydroplant (Switzerland) came second with their project Nature and Architecture, and Futura Atrium of Donkergroen (the Netherlands) came third.  Futura Atrium was especially valued because of the contemporary and highly sustainable and green design, resulting in a BREEAM-NL certificate.

Jardins de Gally (France) was the Public’s choice with their project Atlantis.


Inspiring projects

During the second day a number of interior landscaping projects in Lyon were visited. Especially shopping mall Confluence was thought to be very inspiring. Potted plants throughout the entire mall, and also a number of hanging, luminescent bowls, filled with beautiful plants, a water wall and a jungle-like corner with nature sounds and a cascade didn’t fail to impress.

Lots of inspiration to be found in Lyon…..



EILO goes Scandinavia


Copenhagen 3 Copenhagen 2 Copenhagen 6

September 29 – October 1 EILO will organize an excursion to Denmark and Sweden.
We will visit a number of very interesting projects in and around Copenhagen and Malmö, such as the beautiful Emporia, Towers Copenhagen…
Please save the date! More details will follow!
Copenhagen 1   Copenhagen 5  bella sky

EILO participation at The Future of Interior Landscaping Trade event FutureScape


future scape

This year’s event see’s the return of LandscapePlus as headline sponsor along with huge show supporters CED Ltd and London Stone. With more than 200 exhibitors, FutureScape 2016 is bigger and better than ever.
EIlO will join the EFIG panel at the seminar The Future of Interior Landscaping. 13.00h > 13.45h
Topic : Why environmentally friendly “green buildings” are becoming more important.
Join us there!

The future influences the present just as much as the past


The future influences the present just as much as the past

Speech by Chairman EILO, Benoit Pelleriaux, opening of EILO excursion, September 29, 2016

A warm welcome to everyone and I’m happy to see so many Interior landscapers from different parts of Europe (Italy, Germany, France, The Netherlands, Norway, Czech Republic, Denmark, Switzerland, Slovakia, UK and Belgium)

This excursion is the perfect opportunity to see nice projects realized by your European colleagues (not your competitors), discover new products and share ideas about Interior landscaping in general.

It’s also the moment to reflect on the future evolution of our businesses.
At this moment our world is full of “Green”. Think about green energy, green cars, green buildings, green cities, green architecture, as well as words like urban farming, vertical farming, permaculture, cradle tot cradle, share economy, biodiversity, biophilic design etc …

How can our Green industry take advantage of these new developments and markets? Will we soon deliver planters with a USB connection where the plant will upload you cell phone or computer? Will  we grow and maintain vegetables and herbs in office spaces? Will plants be able to clean more air by the use of more sophisticated planters?

“Yes we can” or “Wir schaffen das”  that’s what Obama and Merkel say!

We have the great fortune to work with a natural product, which has not only a decorative value but also acts as a natural clean air machine. Combine this product with some brains, a good marketing mix, a lot of work, passion, curiosity, motivation, learning and taking care of your employees and clients = and you have got the perfect mix to be successful!

Our green industry does more than just delivering green plants with a maintenance contract.

  • It’s giving creative advice on the choice of planters
  • It’s giving technical/esthetical advice about the right plant in the right place
  • It can be creative design/technical advice/light advice for an interior garden
  • It’s a perfect follow-up on plant maintenance
  • It’s giving advice about greenwalls , green frames, impact on the air humidity, and wellbeing of people
  • It’s also – in case natural plants can’t make it – giving advice about artificial or preserved plants, mosswalls or frames
  • And at the end of each year, it is our natural or artificial Christmas trees
  • And of course all the benefits of plants and the fact that green makes people happy

50 years ago, our interior landscaping industry was non existing  (with the exception of royal or botanic gardens). What will it be for the coming 50 years? To say it in the words of philosopher Nietzsche :

The future influences the present just as much as the past

With this philosophy in mind,  we will have three interesting speakers this afternoon.

  • Naturvention : who will explain us about natural green intelligence combined with the latest technology to be able to breathe healthier indoor air.
  • Spiio: who will introduce a technology that makes it easier to follow- up your green wall maintenance.
  • Greenfortune : who will tell us about products and projects in the field of Urban cultivation, plantwall and plantwire.

After a little break some of our suppliers will give you an update of their products/activities. It’s always good to refresh the memory.

Finally some words about EILO for next year :

  • in2017, again the Awards will be handed out. So please, send us your best projects, both large and small are welcome. It is the creativity and innovation that counts.
  • For our next seminar we will probably join forces with our German colleagues during the World Green Infrastructure Congress from 20 till 22 June in Berlin.
  • We still work and participate closely with Into Green to promote our industry. At our request we have now articles in French/German and English.
  • By the end of the year the EILO office will move to Brussels, to join forces with ELCA. We still will be independent but it will give us the opportunity to organize some events together to promote the industry. Our clients are nearly the same!
  • We are working on making our website more dynamic, as well as the Facebook page.
  • Our 4 monthly newsletter is sent out to approximatively 1000 people.
  • And of course we need your support, as we’re a non-profit organization.

To end this speech, I want to give a special thanks to Marc Custers, who handles all the administration, and Ola Weister for the invitation here in Copenhagen.

I want to thank you all for being here, and I hope you will return home full of new Green ideas, and we look forward to see you in Berlin next year.

EILO excursion 2016 Copenhagen and Malmö



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Soenen Packaging


Any Green, Belgium

Category: Interior Landscaping
Date of completion: 01/06/2016
Role of company: design/concept, execution/construction


The new office building has an open entrance hall with at both sides on level 1 a symmetric interior garden. Both interior gardens are combined with a seating/coffee area for visitors and employees. Owner and architect wanted greenery with a strong architectural look. The floor load was limited to 300 kg/m² , the gardens located at the first floor had limited access possibilities and light conditions were not optimal .
The seating area was designed by the architects so we thought that the continuation of that idea into the garden could be nice. The pathways pavement (with a rough rock finish) is following the design of the benches,so that there is a connection between the seating area and the gardens. Those pathways made of Granit Bluestone make it easier to access the garden for maintenance.
To stay in the minimalistic idea we decided to limit the plantspecies to 4 varieties in a well orchestred design. Vertical design plants (Sansevieria), bushy plants (schefflera ) and pryramidal Ficus trees give the structure. To make it architecturally strong we bordered the plant and wall side with a gravel path of Schiste stone .
We think we worked out a nice combination of wood, gravel, pavement and greenery in a modern and timeless design.


HOBO – design hotel, with urban farming


Vertical Plants System, Sweden

Category: Interior Landscaping
Date of completion: 15/05/2017
Role of company: execution/construction, maintenance


A Design Hotel concept with plants all over the place!
Big plants, small plants, hanging plants, plants everywhere we even grow vegetable’s for their kitchen in a specially designed growing system!
The interior design is made by the Berlin based Studio Aisslinger !
We helped them to full fill there ides about the plant design.
We do maintenance at least once a week which is required for the small pots.
For the growing system we pregrow all the vegetable plants so we can replace the plants when they harvest them. It’s a mix of herbs, salads, pakchoi for the restaurant and mint for the mojitos in the bar.
Biological pest control is of course the only option here.
The total volume of plant/pot is around 150 pcs right now (the growing system excluded) but will increase with many more within a short period of time.




The forest at Copenhagen Towers


Oxygreen, Denmark

Category: Interior Landscaping
Date of completion: 24/08/2015
Role of company: design/concept, execution/construction, maintenance


Centre Court Atrium Copenhagen Towers consists of 60 Bucida buceras 4-9 m. The forest helps create a comfortable indoor climate (relative humidity about 80%) and Savanne effect as well as emphasize the green concept on which the entire building complex is based


A tropical forest for an aircraft manufacturer


In’Flor, France

Category: Interior Landscaping
Date of completion: 04/03/2016
Role of company: design/concept, execution/construction, maintenance


The challenge of this implementation lied, on one side, in the scale of the project as a whole with its tight schedule, and on the other in the prestige of our client and the BREEAM certification.
The 5-storey building features a double glass facade with brise soleils in between. Inside is a vast atrium 18 metres high (24m x 10m), situated at the junction of the aisles which are interconnected by footbridges and a double flight staircase.
In the atrium are two pits of 26m², built and filled before the completion of the roofs, with seven palm trees, four of which are 5 metres high and the other three 11 to 12, the heaviest weighing a ton. The ground is covered with Helxine (Soleirolia soleirolii) with an integrated sprinkler system.
The plants had to be eye-catching, aerial, free of low foliage to give an impression of being under a canopy, and be sufficiently rustic. Veitchia was chosen for this purpose. In collaboration with our landscape architect, plants were selected one by one by our Dutch provider, among the preselected range imported from Florida.


Agio is sustainable and green


De Klerk bloemsierkunst en interieurbeplanting, The Netherlands

Category: Interior Landscaping
Date of completion: 03/10/2016
Role of company: design/concept, execution/construction, maintenance


Besides sustainability Agio wanted a green environment. We discussed the colors and styles in collaboration with the interior architect who align. We chose natural shades that matched the premium products with the ficus lyrata as the showpiece.




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